Thursday, March 21, 2013


Officially, it is springtime. 
As the days are literally lighter, 
 they are figuratively so as well.
I would say this is just my personal experience,
except that as a people watcher
I find this truth to be universal...
or at least hemispherical.

This observation coming from one for whom the 
dark days of winter
were unfortunately full of the dread 
of heavy burdens....
too heavy for the shoulders of one small woman...
so that they had to be shared and distributed
across the broad back of community.

When I speak of lightness
I don't speak lightly.

And I see that there is a loosing of things bound,
a liberation or sorts
produced by the sunward tilt of our earthly home.
The more we face the light
our bodies relax, our spirits lift,
and we raise our glasses
in celebration of growth.

In this planetary spin of green and blossoms and birdsong
we are awakened 
and in all the newness
there is something new in us too.

And I wonder if there is more to this phenomena,
if the science of season
doesn't illustrate an even greater truth...
more Light equaling less Dark.

I will thank the Lord for the rescue He brings
in the Light-filled world
we know as Spring.



  1. Thank you for your visit today, and for the thoughtful comment. I think about what you said - the idea that our ancestors had no dilemmas such as these - very often. I wonder if we have created more trouble for ourselves than we need.

    Your space here is lovely. I sense a deep, beautiful spirit in your words. I'll be checking in.

    tonia (

  2. Thank you Tonia for visiting. I am enjoying your writing space as well!


  3. Maria,

    It's lovely to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my post "People-Watching in Ancient Israel." Sorry for my delay in replying.

    Thanks for sharing your poem here. I saw people watching too, concepts of community, sharing loads, loosening bound things, and more. Your line " The more we face the light
    our bodies relax" spoke the most to me. Deep and lovely. Yes...

    Jennifer Dougan
