Oh gentle reader, more and more I find the Lord filtering, filtering, filtering.
Though Joy is pure and sweet, it is found in the hard-pressed.
Easy Street becomes a road of sorrows.
Grace is the awkward and upside down,
the brush in His hands painting
all this good with oft times
confusing strokes.
He is the Writer, the One who works out the character development,
the plot, the story boards, the beginning, the middle, the end.
His telling leaves us breathless, as His heros and heroines
walk down paths we would be right fearful to take ourselves.
They are not the bigger-than-lifers of tinsel town
but rather as the story develops, the heros
become less and less important,
and almost disappear into a
story that is bigger
than they are.
That isn't the kind of hero we want to be.
What is the good life?
It's right in front of you, the now, this very moment.
It doesn't depend on 'likes' or how full
the comment section is, or
how many views, clicks or hits....
You may be blessed with a very good life,
and never create a frenzy of online
You don't have to 'Buy it Now'.
Be careful if you have an audience...
perhaps, in this day,
is the most slippery
of all slopes.
Yes, He filters out the dross and prunes back unruly branches.
In this age of Living Big and getting yourself 'out there',
perhaps you might pause and evaluate
what it is that is Good.
Do you keep gathering back up the chaff?
Let it go,
and consider this...
is there any evidence, any truth to the old adage:
Less is more?
Thank you, Maria...your poem makes me think of John the Baptist's words: "He [Jesus] must increase and I must decrease."
ReplyDeleteMaria, I found my way to your beautiful place through my friend, Dolly. Oh, yes, I needed this tonight. Thank you.